Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 3 and 4 of Boot Camp

So yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought-don't get me wrong it was super duper hard but once I started moving my legs they didn't hurt(it also might have helped that I took two ibuprofen before I went to work-but that's besides the point) Today was super hard we worked on abs and arms- I am just not a strong person but I will be(hopefully). Tomorrow is my last day with the 30 lb weight pack-Hallelujah! I have to go exercise tomorrow at 5 am, I am not a morning person and have never claimed to be so hopefully I get there....


Callgirl said...

You can do it. I would have a REALLY hard time getting up that early. Good luck!

Orley said...

What I want to know is how is Ryan getting in shape for the trip? You can't be the only hottie on the cruise..