Friday, May 1, 2009


So lots going on. I am still doing the boot camp thing. I had my measurements taken last week. I have lost 5 lbs and 13 1/2 inches. That made me really happy. My clothes are defianatly fitting better. I still have a long long long way to go to reach my final goal but I am now one step closer.

I took Daxton in to the Doctor last week, he ended up having a double ear infection. Poor little man and silly mommy, thinking it was teething. He is back to his happy go lucky self. He is progressing so fast. He is now putting pressure on his legs and sitting up all by himself. He still hates his tummy but will hold himself up alittle with his hands while on his tummy. I know these are all very minor milestones to most normal little babies but hey we are far from normal. I have been having a lot of uneasy feelings lately. It is almost a year since our nightmare began. I feel like somedays I am reliving every emotion that I have felt in the past year, and most of those are not fun emotions. It has been a hard year to process and maybe it will take a lifetime to process....Life is good, I am so incredibly grateful for the gifts we have been given and the support we have seen. Out of the bad always comes more good.


Callgirl said...

You are amazing! 13 1/2 inches is wonderful. Daxton is beautiful, I am glad he is doing well.

Natalie said...

WOW!!! Hilary that is so so so great that you are seeing a difference. It makes it all worth it.
Daxton is awesome, what a soldier.

Lindsay said...

Dane has a double ear infection too!!! Sooo not fun. Glad that he's feeling better though (both for your little one, and mine).

And seriously, CONGRATULATIONS on the weight/inches lost! It's amazing to see results! Way to go!

Juliann said...

YAY HILTON!! Way to go! Keep it up. And yes, Daxton is the handsomest little trooper I've ever known!