I have so so much to post and I am so far behind. I will catch up another day. I am in the mood to vent. So here goes it.
If I could change one thing at this very moment about the world it would be people judging other people. Please don't judge me when I am walking out of costco with my lysol wipes, two cute outfits for Daxton, block of cheese, 3 hotdogs and 3 drinks all while trying to keep a three year old in toe. Please young gentlemen don't share your thoughts out loud that "I should get a cart." If I wanted a cart I would have gotten one, it just so turns out that I parked where carts were not able to go-hence the armful of stuff!
Please don't judge me when I am running(jogging slowly) Please don't yell at me "run Forrest run." My name is not Forrest it is Hilary! Yes I know my bottom is big-hence the running!
Lets just try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't we all just want to be loved and accepted? I will answer that for you-Yes, we do!
Thanks for the venting session......