Friday, September 18, 2009


I have so so much to post and I am so far behind. I will catch up another day. I am in the mood to vent. So here goes it.

If I could change one thing at this very moment about the world it would be people judging other people. Please don't judge me when I am walking out of costco with my lysol wipes, two cute outfits for Daxton, block of cheese, 3 hotdogs and 3 drinks all while trying to keep a three year old in toe. Please young gentlemen don't share your thoughts out loud that "I should get a cart." If I wanted a cart I would have gotten one, it just so turns out that I parked where carts were not able to go-hence the armful of stuff!

Please don't judge me when I am running(jogging slowly) Please don't yell at me "run Forrest run." My name is not Forrest it is Hilary! Yes I know my bottom is big-hence the running!

Lets just try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't we all just want to be loved and accepted? I will answer that for you-Yes, we do!

Thanks for the venting session......


Friday, September 4, 2009

The results are in......

Today I was so super ornery and very snippy at my kids. Wondering what was wrong with me I came to the conclusion that I was very nervous for the results of the biopsy. I tried to call cardiology and no one answered. So I had to wait-I hate waiting. Around 6:45 Emily called from cardiology and told us the results-NO REJECTION!!!!! Yahoo!! I started crying and began to breath(that is when I realized how stressed I was) So his annual cath turned out to be a piece of cake. We celebrated tonight by going to a Bees game with our good friends. The kids had a lot of fun and at the end of the game we were able to run around the baseball diamond and get a gift certificate for a free kids meal at the spaghetti factory-bonus!
Now I can breath.....

Heart Cath

Yesterday morning started out crazy getting the girls ready, Daxton ready and heading up to the hospital for his annual heart cath. We were late(shocker) so we had to have the IV team come and give him his IV so that we could get a prograf level(this is one of two rejection meds that he will be on his whole life). The IV team was amazing and got an IV on the first try. Hallelujah! We then waited and Daxton took a short little cat nap. Ryan and I walked him down to the cath lab and handed him over. The anestesiologist gave Daxton a little sedative through his IV before we handed him over, it was pretty hilarious he started looking loopy it was amazing how fast it affected him.
Ryan and I then went and got some delicious Rainbow Cafe food-oh how we missed the cafeteria food.
The cath took 3 hours. We went down to meet Dr. Cowley and he said that everything looks great! Great! I was so so nervous but everything looked great! We are still waiting on the biopsy results we will not know the results of those until some time today. We are hoping that they will show no signs of rejection.
After the cath we had to wait in post-op for 6 1/2 hours. YIKES!! It was long. The doctors orders were that he had to lay flat for 4 hours and some how it turned into 6+ hours. Oh well. Ryan and I got to spend a little alone time in our semi private room and Dax and I just snuggled. He is still tired today but seems to be happy to be home. I have pictures to post but I can't find my camera bag so I will have to do that later. Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts!! We appreciate them so much.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crazy week

Wow! Last monday was move in day and first day of school for Mady. I did not expect to be so emotional sending my baby to first grade but man that was hard. I tryed to hold it together until she went into her classroom. Sending her to kindergarten was a piece of cake compared to this. I do get a bad mom point for not knowing it was early out on the first day of school. Mady had to call me and tell me school was out, I was so embarresed. She came home from school telling me that it was the best day of her life so I think that things will be good.

The move to our first home has been a lot of fun. Everyday I love my house more and more. It has a lot of personality and fun characteristics. My mom got us the best house warming gift. It was a white swing for my front porch. It is perfect. Yesterday was a long filled day of painting. We got that done and now the fun part of hanging pictures and decorating begins.

Daxton news-Daxton had his 15 month check up yesterday. Everything looks great! He is still little of course (16lbs 9oz) but besides that he is doing awesome. He is now scooting everywhere. It is the cutest thing ever. He is starting to have stranger danger and seperation anxiety. I am a little worried about that because he has a heart cath on thursday. I hope that he doesn't scream and cry when they take him to the cath lab. We are praying for no rejection. If everything looks good with his heart and there is no rejection we will most likely be able stop giving him his 1 am dose of meds. I can't tell you how excited that makes me. Now maybe I won't be so cranky, uh actually not likely but I can pretend right?